Artwork > Whaleheads

Acrylic on poplar, walnut, and cherry wood
17" x 10" x 2 1/2"

“Sea ice broke by a multitude of wave into little pieces”, as translated from Western Greenlandic language. This term is used by northern hunters in observation of an immediate change to the terrain, allowing adaptation to conditions during surveys for narwhals and seals.

The white patterning of this whale head mimics the colorations observed on Humpbacks of Australia’s Gold Coast; a ventral countershading of white skin that expands around the head of these megafauna.

The pigmentation of this sculpture mimics the fracturing of sea ice that culminates in the species’ feeding grounds of polar regions. The leviathan has longed seemed seismic in size, with a geological aura in the fissures and fractures of their body patterns.